My Acceptance Letter Says “Advance Enhancement Programme” —What Does That Mean

My Acceptance Letter Says “Advance Enhancement Programme” —What Does That Mean

Receiving your acceptance letter to university is an exciting moment, but if it mentions the “Advance Enhancement Programme” (AEP), you might be wondering what that means for your academic journey so let’s break it down.


What is the Advance Enhancement Programme?

To be fully admitted into your major programme at the university, you generally need to have completed five Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) exams with a grade of “C” (a score of 700) or above. These must include both Math and English. If you don’t meet this requirement, the university places you in the Advance Enhancement Programme (AEP) which is designed to help you meet the entry-level requirements before you can start your major courses.


Understanding AEP Courses

AEP courses are easily identifiable because their course codes start with “0.” For example, you might be enrolled in classes like MATH046, ENGL019, or BIOL071. These courses are fundamental in nature and help build the necessary skills to succeed in your major. However, it’s important to note that these courses carry zero credits, meaning they don’t count towards your degree.


While you’re taking AEP courses, your GPA remains unaffected. This is because your GPA only starts to be calculated once you begin taking college-level classes, which have course codes that start with a “1,” “2,” “3,” or “4” (like ENG119 or BIOL220). As long as you’re in AEP courses, your GPA will remain at zero or simply won’t be calculated at all.


What If I Missed It By One?

If you find yourself in a situation where you only have one deficiency—say, you passed English but didn’t meet the Math requirement (or vice versa)—there’s a path to move forward more quickly.



In this case, you can visit your advisor in the Centre for Continuing Education and Extension Services (CEES) located in the CALM to complete a “Change of Programme” form. 

Once you fill out this form, your advisor will sign it and send it to the School of Business office. From there, it will be signed by the Chair, sent to the Dean’s office for approval, and then forwarded to the Registrar for processing.

You can check your Banner profile to see if the changes have been applied. Once this form is processed, you should be able to register for your first-year college-level courses, provided they don’t have prerequisite requirements.


Registering for AEP Courses

It’s important to note that you do not need to submit a Change of Programme form to register for your AEP courses. You should be able to register for these courses directly, as they are specifically designed to help you meet the university’s entry-level requirements.


Moving Forward

Being placed in the Advance Enhancement Programme is simply a step in your academic journey to ensure that you’re fully prepared for your major. Take full advantage of these courses to build a strong foundation, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your advisor for guidance. Once you’ve completed the necessary requirements, you’ll be well on your way and starting the next exciting chapter of your academic journey.

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